The Gray Family

My Story

My favorite class in high school was personal finance. It was an elective because back then not a single state required kids to take a finance class. Today (2017/18 school yr) only 17 states require a personal finance class! That class confirmed my desire to work in the financial industry.

I went on to study a variety of finance, tax, accounting, business, & economics courses while in college. I graduated with a degree in accounting from Utah Valley University. 

While studying in college I worked two different bookkeeping jobs. Upon graduating I did an accounting internship & then accepted a job as a corporate accountant. One of my responsibility was overseeing & reconciling the companies 48 different bank accounts.   

Capturing & categorizing bank transactions became a specialty of mine. I had always documented & tracked our personal spending. Now I was doing it on a massive scale for a company with dozens of bank accounts & over $500M in annual revenue. 

When my wife, Courtney, started her own business in 2013 I naturally kept track of all the numbers. (click here to see her business) I soon became enthralled with small business finances. The lead me to create the DATA system that helps small business owners grow their companies. 

Now I am taking my experiences, knowledge, & this system out to help other small business owners thrive.